The CSNB has been at the forefront of police & community engagement in the London Borough of Camden for over 28 years.

Camden Safer Neighbourhood Board is an independent community-led charity that brings together the community, police and council with the aim of reducing crime and antisocial behaviour in Camden. The CSNB has been at the forefront of police and community engagement in the London Borough of Camden for over 28 years.

Today, Camden Safer Neighbourhood Board is one of 32 Safer Neighbourhood Boards across London funded by the Mayor of London to support and contribute to his consultation and accountability structures regarding policing. This work in the past has predominantly focused on regular public consultation events and engagement with the Metropolitan Police and Camden Council through the borough’s Community Safety Partnership.

We oversee four main strands of activities:

Public meetings and community conversations

These provide residents from across Camden the chance to challenge the Police Borough Commander and senior officers from the Community Safety Partnership about crime.    

Stop and Search

The Camden Stop and Search Monitoring Group meets four times a year. We also have a panel of 18 Camden Independent Youth Advisors with a keen interest in Stop and Search.

Camden Safer Neighbourhood Board Trustees

We hold six meetings a year where a small group of Trustees, having been appointed by the CSNB, hold senior police and LBC Community Safety representatives to account for performance in crime and antisocial behaviour. The Trustees oversee the work and set the policies for the CSNB.

Ongoing work during the pandemic

During the pandemic the SNB’s engagement work through its events were halted. So for our 2021/22 contract with the Mayor’s Office for Police and Crime we focused on delivering three pieces of Action Research with local community organisations as partners. The research revealed ongoing challenges in building public trust and confidence in policing and community safety in Camden, especially among young people.

The three themes were:

Our outreach

Any community group in Camden with more than 10 members and a constitution can become members of the CSNB. The benefit of becoming members is that you can put your name forward to become a Trustee, plus you can have a say on who is appointed as Trustees. If you would like to represent your group on the CSNB please follow the link and complete the online application form.


We are keen to keep you up-to-date on what’s happening in your area. To do this we use:

Our email list

We currently have a list of over 600 groups and individuals that we use to provide updates and information on community safety. This is a FREE service and you can add your email address at the foot of this page

Social media

We have big plans to expand our social network reach: currently only 254 ‘like’ our Facebook page and 539 ‘followers’ on Twitter. Please ‘like’ or follow us on your social media platform of choice.

If you like what we do and want to support our work please click the ‘More info’ below and follow the links to our Paypal account. Any and all donations are very welcome.


The next meeting will be discussing how community safety will be delivered in the coming years after substantial cuts.

Membership of the CSNB is open to Camden based voluntary organisations with 10 or more members. We are looking for new members from across the boroughl area safe, why not take part our quarterly confidential Safety Views survey? It only takes five minutes! Just complete the online form and take your first survey to see what it’s like.


The next meeting will be discussing how community safety will be delivered in the coming years after substantial cuts.

Membership of the CSNB is open to Camden based voluntary organisations with 10 or more members. We are looking for new members from across the borough. Just click the button below and complete the online application form.

More info…

Camden Safety Views

We are looking for Camden residents and people who work in the borough to tell us about how safe you feel. All you have to do is complete an online survey every three months. Everything you tell us is CONFIDENTIAL.

Take the survey

Want to help?

Membership of the CSNB is open to Camden based voluntary organisations with 10 or more members. We are looking for new members from across the borough. Just click the button below and complete the online application form.

More info…

Policing update: find out the latest news

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