International Visitors Victim Service

Victim Support has launched a new project in London to support international tourists. The International Visitors Project, in association with the Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC) and the Metropolitan Police, provides assistance to foreign tourists who become victims of crime in the capital.

Falling victim to crime while overseas can be an extremely distressing experience. At home, people can turn to family, friends, police and support services for help, but knowing where and how to get help abroad can be traumatic. The International Visitors Victim Service, operated by specially trained Victim Support staff and volunteers, is a dedicated service which enables tourists to access the help and support they may desperately need following crime.

International Visitor Victims Service offers free emotional and practical support to victims. The help available includes offering support with the loss of travel documents, securing accommodation, medical treatment, accessing funds and offering a translator services. IVVS can liaise and advocate on behalf of the victims with agencies as follows: hotels, local business, ticketing agencies, airlines, travel agents, embassies, rental car companies, money transfer agencies and banks.

The IVVS does deal with all types of crimes with the aim to provide an efficient service that allows our visitors the platform to discuss their experiences within a safe environment, and in return, receive the immediate support that they require.


International Visitor Advocates:
Tel: 07939 982 209/07931 866 786
For more information visit or call our offi ce on 020 7259 2424

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