Brexit leading to Hate Crime?

In response to concerns about an increase in Hate Crime following the Brexit vote, Camden Council Leader, Cllr Sarah Hayward, has published a letter restating the Council’s commitment to community cohesion. Cllr Hayward is encouraging anyone who has experienced Hate Crime to report it to the Police using the 101 number.

Peter Ward from Camden SNB said; ‘If you have experienced any sort of Hate Crime, please report it. From speaking with residents who have suffered both verbal and physical attacks, they are concerned their experiences are too trivial to report and would not be taken seriously.  That simply is not true. The Police treat all Hate Crime reports with the utmost seriousness. Hate Crime has historically been under reported and the Police would welcome receiving your report’.

To view Cllr Hayward’s letter click here: One Camden letter from Sarah Hayward

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