Camden Police response to Manchester Area Attack

Message from Camden Borough Commander, Detective Chief Superintendent Catherine Roper on the Manchester Arena terror attack:

“We are all waking up to the news of the horrendous attack in Manchester.

I am sure that you all join me in our thoughts towards those who are injured, and the families and friends of those who lost their lives.

The MPS has been offering any and all support needed to Greater Manchester Police, and will continue to do so. We have also been reviewing our own policing plans, and I wanted to share our current organisational and local activities:

– Across the Capital, we have increased the level of officers on our streets to protect all our communities across the capital.

– Over the next few days people will see an increased number of officers on duty – both armed and unarmed – who will provide a highly visible, reassurance presence across London.

– Locally, this will include enhanced engagement with schools and places of worship to support anyone with concerns.

– This enhanced level of policing will continue for as long as is necessary.

– We will be reviewing all planned events across Camden and Islington from a security perspective, and will engage with partners and organisers if we have any concerns

– If anyone is concerned about individuals who may have attended the concert to contact the emergency number 0161 856 9400

As ever, my final request is that we continue to encourage all our communities to report anything suspicious – if there is fear of immediate danger, then please call 999 or otherwise the number is 0800789321.

Kindest regards to you all, on the saddest of days.”

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