Policing update: find out the latest news

Introduction by Caroline Haines Detective Superintendent Local Investigations I write this fresh from my return to work after almost 2 years away! For those who don’t know me, I was formerly in charge of Local Investigations, which I left in the capable hands of Dave Courcha while I have been away on Maternity leave. I […]

Be part of the change at Camden SNB

Having worked for Camden SNB for over 20 years Peter Ward has decided to move on. Peter will be stay in the post full-time until 30 September then drop down to two days a week until Christmas to ensure a smooth handover to his successor. If you know anyone with experience of working with the community […]

Central North BCU weekly update – 24th August 2020

Hello everyone, welcome to another bumper edition of our newsletter. I currently write to you from the backdrop of the newly refurbished Islington Police Station (well part of it, there is still some work to be done), and I have to commend the implementation team and the building contractors for what they have achieved. The […]

Central North BCU – Police Update:

Every week Central North BCU who are responsible for policing the London Borough’s of Camden and Islington issue a policing update for their partner organisations. Camden SNB has been given permission to copy these updates to our website, camdenconnected.co.uk. Please note these updates are meant for professionals who work with the police and you will […]

Camden Police COVID19 update

The information below was provided by Superintendent Neil Holyoak from Camden Police. If you have any concerns please email Peter Ward admin@camdensnb.org.uk, Peter will pass on information received to Camden Police: We recognise that COVID-19 (Coronavirus) is of great concern to everyone throughout the country at the moment, but I just wanted to reassure you […]

Presentations from last CSNB Public event!

The theme for the last CSNB public event was the Community Safety Partnership priority of Domestic and Sexual Violence. The event was held on Monday 28 October 2019, 7.00 pm, in the Council Chamber, Crowndale Centre. Detective Superintendent Jane Topping from Central North Police and Caitriona Scanlan from Camden Safety Net gave a joint presentation […]

Mayor’s Budget additional £234m for policing

Plans set out by the Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan to invest an additional £234m in policing and tackling violent crime in the capital have been confirmed following a meeting of the London Assembly. This funding includes an additional £119 million from London’s business rates to support policing numbers in future years. This will help […]

CSNB response to the MOPAC consultation

Over the summer, the Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC) and the Metropolitan Police Service jointly ran a London-wide consultation how the public could contact the police in the future. The suggestions centred on closing Police Station front counters and move reporting crimes to web-based systems. The CSNB held a Community Conversation on this […]

Camden Police response to Manchester Area Attack

Message from Camden Borough Commander, Detective Chief Superintendent Catherine Roper on the Manchester Arena terror attack: “We are all waking up to the news of the horrendous attack in Manchester. I am sure that you all join me in our thoughts towards those who are injured, and the families and friends of those who lost […]

Merger of Camden and Islington Police

Presentation given by Detective Chief Superintendent Catherine Roper, on the merger of Camden and Islington Borough Command Units (BCU), on Thursday 26 January, 7.00 pm, in the Council Chamber, Camden Town Hall. BACKGROUND The aim was to reduce the number of BCUs across the Met. In July the Deputy Mayor had requested for Camden and […]